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RockTape Tips & Tricks

Rocktape is considered to be hypoallergenic as the adhesive is an acrylic adhesive and contains no zinc oxide.  Rocktape is also latex free.  Because of these two properties, Rocktape is...

Rocktape is considered to be hypoallergenic as the adhesive is an acrylic adhesive and contains no zinc oxide. Rocktape is also latex free. Because of these two properties, Rocktape is generally considered to be very good for skin of all ages. Very occasionally, some skin sensitivity can occur, but this is much more likely to be “operator error” than a true reaction to the tape itself. We have listed some steps below to ensure that you get the most out of your Rocktape application, and also reduce the risk of any skin issues.

1. Round the corners: this means cutting the corners off your Rocktape before applying. The reason we do this is that the corners are much more likely to catch on clothing, towels, sheets etc and cause the edge of the tape to lift. Once this lifts, the rest of the tape can peel off very quickly. We want your tape to last 3-5 days, so this is important!

2. No tension on the first or last inch of tape: each end of the tape needs at least an inch (2.5cm for those who only know metric!) of UNSTRETCHED “anchor”. This anchor means the tape is going to stay stuck better, but most importantly, it reduces the risk of skin traction injuries that can occur right at the very end of the tape. If you have a very small patch of irritation on the skin where the tape started or finished, this is most likely the cause. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT IN AREAS WHERE THERE IS A LOT OF SKIN MOVEMENT, LIKE AROUND THE SHOULDER

3. Stretch the body part, not the tape: Rocktape is stretchy stuff! For the newbies to taping, it is really tempting to pull a lot of the stretch out of the tape as you apply it. But the ideal scenario for most applications is to stretch the body part that you are taping and only apply a very small amount of stretch to the tape. Once again, this is REALLY IMPORTANT when taping around shoulders.

4. Get it on early: Rocktape lasts 3-5 days, so you really don’t need to be applying it at the last minute before exercise. The adhesive in the tape is heat activated, so you ideally want to have the tape on an hour before exercise, or even two hours before water based exercise. Why not get it on the night before and sleep in it? That is the best way to ensure it is well stuck for your morning exercise. If you are regularly using Rocktape in the water, consider using Rocktape H2O, our specialist tape with extra stick for use in water. People who perspire a lot could also go with H2O as their tape of choice, as well as those who live and work out in hot/humid conditions.

5. Get it off GENTLY: Rocktape sticks well, but it does come off quite easily if you are careful. PLEASE DON’T USE THE “BAND-AID” TECHNIQUE OF “GRIP AND RIP”. When using any type of adhesive tape on skin, most skin irritation occurs when the skin is subject to traction force with an aggressive removal technique. Rocktape comes off more easily when it is wet, and we recommend peeling the tape back on itself SLOWLY, in the direction of hair growth (to avoid a waxing effect guys- the girls usually know this!), and if possible, whilst supporting the skin behind the tape as it is gently eased away. If you, or your skin, is particularly sensitive, then apply some oil over the tape before removing it and the oil will break down the adhesive and make the removal much easier.

6. Try a test patch: If you have a history of skin irritation with tape, then we suggest you try a test patch. To do this, apply a small piece of tape WITHOUT ANY STRETCH to an area of skin near to where you wish to apply the tape. For upper limb applications, the inside of the forearm is a good spot, and for lower limb applications, try the inside of the thigh. If you leave this in place for up to 24 hours (remove if any symptoms prior to this) and you don’t have any reaction, then it should be safe to apply Rocktape. Please still err on the side of caution by using VERY LITTLE STRETCH on your tape applications.


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