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You love to foam roll before and after every workout, but have you ever thought about adding it into your workout? Your foam roller just may be your most versatile tool when it comes to amping up your workout. We have rounded up 10 fresh new ways to break a sweat using your foam roller, with options for all fitness levels. Grab your GRID foam roller and give these foam roller workouts a try for a little extra burn.


  • Muscle Group: Core
  • 2 Sets x 15 Reps
  • Begin lying on the floor gripping a foam roller overhead. Keeping your arms and legs straight bring them together at the same time. Try to touch the roller to your toes. Slowly return to your start position and repeat.


Body Saw – Arms

  • 3 Sets x 10 Reps
  • Begin on your knees with the foam roller near your wrists. Keeping a tight core push your arms forward as the foam roller rolls towards your elbows. Your arms are the only things that should be moving in this foam roller workout; everything else should be stable.
  • Added challenge? Move from your knees to your toes!



Body Saw – Legs

  • Muscle Group: Core, Shoulders, Lats
  • 2 Sets x 10 Reps
  • Begin with your forearms on the floor and the foam roller near your ankles. Keeping a tight core push your body back as the foam roller rolls toward your knees. Your arms and shoulders are the only things that should be moving; everything else should be stable.



Knee Tuck

  • Muscle Groups: Core, Shoulders
  • 2 Sets x 15 Reps
  • Begin in a high-plank position with a foam roller near your knees. Keeping a tight core pull your knees towards your chest, hold briefly and then return to plank position.



Knee Tuck to Push-Up

  • Muscle Groups: Core, Chest, Shoulders
  • 3 Sets x 10 Reps
  • Begin in a high-plank position with a foam roller near your knees. Keeping a tight core pull your knees towards your chest. Then return to the high-plank and perform a push-up before pulling your knees into your chest again.


One Leg Knee Tuck to Push-Up

  • Muscle Groups: Core, Chest, Shoulders
  • 2 Sets x 8 Reps each side
  • Begin in a high-plank position with a foam roller near your knees. Keeping a tight core raise one leg off the foam roller. Pull the leg still on the roller towards your chest. Maintain a stable core. Return to a plank position and perform a pushup before pulling your knee into your chest again.


Incline Stability Push-Up

  • Muscle Groups: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders
  • 2 Sets x 15 Reps
  • Begin in a pushup position with hands on a foam roller and your knees or toes on the floor. Keeping a braced core, slowly lower your chest to the foam roller with your arms close to your body.


Decline Push-Up

  • Muscle Groups: Chest, Triceps Shoulders, Core
  • 3 Sets x 15 Reps
  • Begin in a pushup position with hands on the floor and legs straight with toes on a foam roller. Keeping a braced core slowly lower your chest to the floor keeping your arms close to your body for this foam roller workout.
  • Added challenge? Alternate lifting each leg


Alternating Uneven Push-Up

  • Muscle Group: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Core
  • 2 Sets x 15 reps
  • Begin in a pushup position with one arm elevated on a foam roller. Brace your core and lower your chest to the floor. Then push your body away from the floor back to start position and roll the foam roller to your other hand. Repeat the pattern, rolling the foam roller back and forth.


Alternating Uneven Push-Up with Leg Lift

  • Muscle Groups: Chest, Triceps, Core, Glutes
  • 2 Sets x 15 Reps
  • Begin in a pushup position with one arm elevated on a foam roller. Brace your core and lower your chest to the floor. At the same time, extend your opposite leg off the floor. Then push your body away from the floor back to start position and roll the foam roller to your other hand. Repeat the pattern, rolling the foam roller back and forth and alternate leg lifts


BONUS CHALLENGE: Advanced Stability “Quad-Push-Up”

  • Muscle Groups: Chest, Triceps Shoulders, Core
  • Asmany reps as you can in 1 Minute
  • Begin in a pushup position with hands and feet balancing on 4 individual foam rollers. Keeping a braced core slowly lower your chest to the floor keeping your arms close to your body. Repeat as many repetitions as possible in 1 minute.



Looking for even more tips and tricks for your foam roller workout? Check out TriggerPoint on Instagram at @rocktape_uk for the best ways to use your GRID for recovery and more!