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RockTape is proud to supply free tape for the regular UK study days looking at the potential benefits of kinesiology taping for people living with cancer. Run by the Jane Tomlinson Appeal and Taught by renowned Team GB physiotherapist Alison Rose.

Find out more about the free study days here: https://www.janetomlinsonappeal.com/our-work/kinesio-taping/study-days/

About Jane Tomlinson:

Jane led an extraordinary life and left a strong legacy. I would encourage you to read about Janes inspirational life more fully but here are some things which stood out for me from Janes appeal website: https://www.janetomlinsonappeal.com

  • First person receiving chemotherapy to complete the London Marathon
  • First person with incurable cancer to complete a full Ironman triathlon
  • £1,866,000 raised for charity

The Jane Tomlinson Appeal aims to help children be happier and healthier and improve the lives of people living with cancer, through four key projects.

1: Childrens bereavement service

2: Children’s health and well-being

3: Early detection of breast cancer

4: Kinesio Taping (Education and Research Funding)

Comment from our Education Director – Daniel Lawrence, Chartered Physiotherapist: Many RockTape students will have personal stories of occasions where Kinesiology Tape (like RockTape) significantly helped to improve the quality of someone’s life. However, Janes story is one of the most moving and profound examples I have ever read. It also reminds us more generally of the essential role we play as clinicians in supporting people’s quality of life and what a privilege this is for us. A kind word, gentle touch and a little bit of tape can change lives.

We hope to bring you more information on taping in oncology in the next few weeks.

-All the best in Clinic