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Today we bring you a really interesting article about the use of tape to help with scapular dyskinesis, “Kinesiotaping for scapular dyskinesis: the influence on scapular kinematics and on activity of scapular stabilizing muscles”, published in this year 2020 by Tooth et al.

The scapular dyskinesis can cause the lack of posterior tilt and upward and external rotation of the scapula and the decrease of the subacromial space, which can lead to impingement if we use the shoulder very often. Correction of scapular dysfunction can help us improve and prevent shoulder problems.

The study used 20 voluntary athletes, of average age 21.9 years + – 1.8 years, average height of 179.2 cm + – 4.8 cm and average weight of 73.4 kg + – 8.2 kg. All of them had been training an average of 6.5 hours + – 2.5 hours a week for at least 4 years. They presented scapular dyskinesis on one or both shoulders.

During the study two applications of tape were made.

In the first application or KT1 (image 1), one strip was placed from the coracoid process, passing through the upper trapezius to the inferior angle of the scapula.

In the second application or KT2 (image 2), one strip was placed the same as in KT1 and another one from the thoracic spine to the inferior border of the scapula, applying maximum tension from the inferior border of the scapula to the lateral area to improve the scapular upward rotation. They were asked to perform 10 active shoulder flexions and 10 active abductions with and without weight.

The two applications showed changes in the scapular kinematics and in the electromyographic activity of the upper and lower trapezius. The first application or KT1 was considered the most effective because the second application or KT2 produced a decrease in the activity of the lower trapezius and limited the scapular external rotation. The mechanical and proprioceptive effects of the first application or KT1 can be beneficial to reduce shoulder injuries in overhead athletes.

Undoubtedly, tape can be an option to consider when helping with this type of injury, and if we follow the article recommendations, we’ll just need one strip of tape.