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Forging Elite Fitness

RockTape is an elastic endurance tape designed for competition. RockTape's unique unidirectional stretch pattern won't reduce your range of motion but it will give you more game.
With its unique stretch and superior adhesive, RockTape creates a bio-mechanical lifting mechanism which delays fatigue, stabilizes joints, prevents ring and hand burn and promotes proper form. RockTape has been working with Crossfit athletes since the 2010 games and is proud to be associated with Crossfit.

What is Crossfit?

Wikipedia defines CrossFit as a strength and conditioning brand that combines weightlifting, sprinting, gymnastics, powerlifting, kettlebell training, plyometrics, rowing, and medicine ball training. While Wikipedia makes it sound hard, it’s actually fun and the results are phenomenal. What we like most about Crossfit (besides the close community) is the focus on functional movement. Crossfit trains your body to DO things, not look a certain way.

Being able to carry a 75 pound fire hose or another human to safety requires a different program and technique than what you might find in a typical gym.

As such, CF athletes have different needs than other athletes and need special help when it comes to their sport.

RockTape can be used to manage fluids like blood and lymph to help mitigate fatigue and swelling – something that Crossfiters know about all too well. It can be used to enforce proper form during exercise by creating a proprioceptive loop that ensures your ‘ass touches the grass’ during your squats or that you don’t blow up on the next Fran.

RockTape is used to:
• Protect hands, wrists and shins during muscle ups and lifting
• Promote blood flow to help delay fatigue
• Correct tracking issues in shoulders and knees
• Reduce swelling
• Stabilize weak structures such as lower backs, ham strings and calfs

Power Taping for Crossfit – PTC

We’ve worked closely with Dr Michael Ross (SODO Crossfit), Jason Khalipa (NorCal crossfit) and Brandon Morrison of LiftBigEatBig.com and have developed a a PTC clinic designed to teach CF athletes how to tape. The PTC clinic addresses the most common applications. The class is intended for athletes with no or little exposure to taping. A complete list of taping clinics are listed here.

You can download the complete set of instructions by clicking on the links below.


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