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Talk enough tosh and some of it will come true.

Have you made some post-pandemic predictions and found like-minded souls in a Facebook echo-chamber? Yep – me to! Well one of my predictions is: Working from home will not be good for our long term physical and mental health. Appreciating the situation can be very...

A Strong Recommendation for Shoulder Manual Therapy

Manual therapy has been challenged over the past few years but is it the clinical outcomes or the suggested mechanisms that have been challenged? I don’t think we are really adjusting, breaking and releasing in the manner we were taught but patients continue to be...

The foot and the ankle have a thing going on.

Touch a hot plate and your arm immediately withdraws before you feel the pain. This withdrawal reflex is protective and faster than the brain issuing a pain response and then moving which would be a much more damaging scenario.   The withdrawal reflex occurs...

Taping into the brain

Did you know it is impossible to stand still?   Standing upright on two feet without consciously moving is scientifically referred to as ‘quiet stance’. It is called quiet because your nervous system is not challenged by this activity – however, it is far from...

Pilates & RockTape working together

Gemma Griffies is one of the UK’s leading Physiotherapy instructors for RockTape. Gemma delivers all of our courses including Pods, Blades and the New Movement Specialist course. Gemma is also a certified Pilates instructor with the APPI. With all Pilates exercises,...

Exercise and Immunity

It’s well known that regular exercise is good for our immune system and overall health but there is a commonly held misbelief that an acute bout of exercise can temporarily suppress the immune system. For example, many coaches and athletes believe that a...

How to maximize your online learning!

Some advice from our Physio and Educationalist Daniel Lawrence. Daniel worked in Education for 10 years and holds a Post Graduate Certificate of Education. The pendulum has swung very quickly from an online CPD hunt to an online CPD extravaganza, with some of us now...